About Us

We are a Specialist Rec2Rec Partnership founded in 2015 by Gemma & Sarah Clohessy who are passionate, experienced agency recruiters and can identify the attributes needed to become a successful recruiter. We drive our passion and understanding of recruitment through the Sorella brand ensuring you receive a personal, unique experience with full support and guidance.

Best for Candidates

Not only do we have recruitment experience, we have UK and International market experience and can therefore provide personal guidance and advice. We will support your career move to ensure we find the right opportunity for you.

Best for Employers

We understand what it takes to become a successful recruiter and can identify talent. We listen, headhunt and deliver. We are a partnership and work as a partnership. We will work in partnership with you as though part of your company to understand your needs, have total transparency and honesty to get the people you want as part of your business.

Best for Agencies

With our management team having worked in both a boutique and large corporate agency we understand the characteristics and traits that thrive in each environment and therefore can identify compatibility.